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The Bronx Dog Project​​
(Zulma's Project)
The Bronx project has been an ongoing project even before the start of Loving Touch. I feed stray/abandoned dogs in the South Bronx 3 - 4 times a week. I bring in the ones that are in need of immediate medical care and spay and neuter as many as we can . Because of this project many dogs have been rescued from the streets, and have been given a second chance at life. There are so many still out there that are waiting to be rescued. Won't you please help us help them through your financial support.
You can help through a one time donation or you can help by sponsoring the Bronx Project. Sponsorship is $10 per month of $100 for an entire year. You will receive regular updates on the progress of this project, pictures and a certificate as acknowledgement of your efforts. If you're interested in helping with this very important project please email Zulma or Doreen.
Below you will read about many wonderful rescues and happy endings. However, there are still many dogs on the street waiting for a "Loving Touch".
Trooper and Lady B
Trooper (left) along with his mate Mocca and offspring Lady B all lived in a junkyard for many years in the South Bronx. Tropper was rescued in 1997 and found a loving home in Texas through contacts in New York. Lady B (right) was also rescued in 1997. She was hit by a car about 6 months prior to her rescue. Lady B's owner did not take her to the vet for medical attention. By the time she was rescued her right hind leg could not be saved. Lady B was adopted by a wonderful woman in College Point. Unfortunately, Moccia (Lady B's mom) was also hit by a car and not taken in for medical attention. We were not notified until 3 days after the incident. Mocca's injuries were so severe that she could not be saved.
Jack Bianca Lady B Charles Abby (Before & After)
Jack was what you would call a loner. I often wondered why Jack was always by himself and never seen with other dogs. I soon found out the reason why. Jack was the bully of the block. He pushed his weight around and constantly picked fights with the other male dogs in the area in order to mate with the females. I often caught him picking fights with another male that had a broken leg because he must have been hit by a car and never taken in for medical care. Although there were other dogs that could have and should have been rescued before Jack, I choose to rescue Jack first in order to remove him from the neighborhood and away from the other poor males that Jack fought with constantly. Jack found a home in CT and needless to say there was once again peace amongst the other pack dogs in the neighborhood. I was later informed that the male with the broken leg was rescued and taken to a sanctuary.​
Bianca and her pups were rescued on a bitter cold and rainy day. Bianca was the first to greet us and was only too eager to lead us to her puppies. It was as if she knew we were there to help. All 5 pups found a home and Bianca was adopted to a family in CT.​
​Charlie - I'll never forget the day I received this call. Someone had put a 10-week-old male puppy in a box and left him by the curb. It was apparent that he had been left there to be picked up the following morning by the sanitation truck. How could I turn my back on this poor animal! I immediately covered him with a towel and off to the vet's office we went.​
Charlie was covered in mange, his skin was raw and infected and he must have been in so much pain. With the proper medication and a wonderful foster home Charlie pulled through and turned into a large and handsome lab. When Charlie was cleared medically he was adopted by a loving family in Brooklyn. This was truly a happy ending.
Abby was rescued from a neighborhood drug addict in the South Bronx in 1998, along with two of he puppies. By the time we got there Abby's owner had sold most of the puppies. He had Abby tied to a pole with a telephone cord. She was a young, thin dog. We were able to save the 2 remaining puppies, and Abby of course. You can read more about Abby in the adoption section. After lots of TLC she matured into a beautiful, affectionate dog.


Lady B

Charlie and Abby after adoption


​Love is all they need!

In Loving Memory of​​
Our Mascot Duchess
2000 - 2004
All they need is love...

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